Products & Services

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Indicating Temperature Switch


Combination of indication and switch
Fast response
Choice of contact assembly or microswitch
Switching accuracy ± 2% FSD
High repeatability and low hysteresis
Flameproof version available
Case compensated syste

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Blind Temperature Switch


Use of inert gas (Nitrogen)
Non-polluting, environment friendly
Rugged construction
Rigid stem or capillary type
Weather proof or flame proof enclosure
Fast response
SPDT / 2SPDT micro-switches

Absolute Pr. Gauges Bourdon Type * Absolute Pr. Gauges Diaphragm Type * Absolute Pressure Gauges Bellow Type * Accessories * Accessoriess * Averaging Pitot Tube * Ball Valve * Bar Stock Flanged Thermowell * Bar Stock Threaded Thermowell * Bar Stock Weld In Thermowell * Bimetal Dial Thermometer * Blind Pressure And Differential Pressure Switches * Blind Temperature Switch * Bourdon Sensing Pr. Gauges * Bourdon Sensing Pressure Gauges Bspg And Lfbspg * Capsule Sensing Pressure Gauges * Chambers For Guided Wave Radar * Chemical * Chemical And Diaphragm Seal Unit * Compact Orifice Flow Meter * Condensate Pot * Diaphragm Sensing Pressure Gauges * Differential Pressure Gauges Bellow Type * Differential Pressure Gauges Capsule Type * Differential Pressure Gauges Diaphragm And Piston Type * Differential Pressure Gauges Diaphragm Type * Differential Pressure Gauges Mag Dp (Pharma Application) * Differential Presure Gauge Diaphragm High Static Pressure Gauges * Direct Insert Type Level Switches * Displacer Type Level Switches * Displacer Type Level Transmitter * Displacer Type Level Transmitters * External Chamber Type Level Switches * Fabricated Flanged Thermowell * Fabricated Threaded Thermowell * Fabricated Weld In Thermowell * Fittings * Five Valve Manifold Remote Mounted Type * Float And Tape Level Gauge Manufacturers * Flow Calibration Test Bench * Flow Indicator * Flow Nozzel * Flow Straighteners And Flow Conditioner Manufacturers * Flow Switches * Gas Filled Dial Thermometer * Gauges With External Zero Adjustment * Heavy Duty Capsule Sensing Pr. Gauges * Hygiene Gauges * Hygine Gauge * In House Test Facilities * Indicating Differential Pressure Switch * Indicating Low Range Pressure Switches * Indicating Pressure Switches * Indicating Temperature Switch * Instrumentation Cable * Liquid Filled Dial Thermometer * Magnetic Level Gauges And Level Transmitters * Magnetostrictive Manufacturers * Manufacturing And Testing Facility * Master Pressure Gauges * Material Selection Guide * Meter Run Assemblies * Mi Thermocouples Manufacturers * Monoflange Single Block And Bleed Valve * Mud Gauges * Needle Valves Screwed Bonnet Design Double Ferrule Tube Ends * Orifice Plates * Orifice Plates Assemblies * Pressure Gauge With In Built Transmitter * Products * Receiver Gauges Rcpg * Reflex Level Gauges Manufacturers * Rtd Manufacturers * Safety Pattern Solid Front Pr. Gauges Sfbspg And Lfsfbspg * Sight Flow Indicators * Single And Multistage Restriction Orifice Assembly * Small Pr. Gauges Brass Internals * Small Pr. Gauges Ss Internals * Solid Front Phenolic Case Pr. Gauges Sfphpg And Lsphpg * Special Tw Sleeved Lined * Three Valve Manifold Direct Mounting T Type * Transparent Level Gauges * Tubular Level Gauges * Two Valve Manifold (Three Way) * Van Stone Thermowell Manufacturers * Venturi Tubes Manufacturers